Lord, it is wonderful
for us to be here…
–Matthew 17:4


Welcome to Transfiguration!

Transfiguration Parish is a people called to build a Catholic
Faith Community by seeking Christ and sharing His Gospel
through Prayer, Education, Service and Social Activities.


In person Liturgies:
Saturday, 4pm in English and
6pm en Español
Sunday 8 & 10am in English and
1pm in Polish
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Wednesdays, 7pm-8pm
Fridays, 8:30am-9:30am

Stations of the Cross
Fridays, 7:30pm

= = = = =

Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.

 — Psalm 34



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Eventos y actividades parroquiales>


===== New Parish Logo!

Transfiguration Catholic Community has a new logo!  Read the symbolism that explains its rich representation.  Watch for ways to invite family, friends and neighbors to share in our faith journey!


===== Ministry of Prayer

We know that life can be challenging and the only thing that may help to get you back to center is Prayer. We believe very strongly in the power of Prayer. This belief and knowing comes from seeing or hearing about the many demonstrations or testimonies in the lives of people around the world. 
At the end of weekend Masses the Transfiguration Ministry of Prayer will be in the front of the Church to pray for you or someone you love and care for.
Please know that each Minister of Transfiguration Ministry of Prayer commits to holding your intentions in the light of Christ, standing in Truth, Principle and Love. Prayer is the tool we use to know the truth. It is not about begging or pleading for something to happen to change the conditions in life. It is about aligning ourselves with the all good of God that surrounds us at all times. Every request we receive is treated with love, compassion, respect and dignity.
More than ever I find myself
in the hands of God.
This is what I have wanted all my life from my youth.
But now there is a difference;
the initiative is entirely with God.
It is indeed a profound spiritual experience to know
and feel myself so totally in God’s hands.
– Pedro Arrupe, S.J.


===== 2024 Annual Catholic Appeal

Our parish is conducting our campaign for the Annual Catholic Appeal. Please remember that the Annual Catholic Appeal is much different than a one-time special collection. It is a pledge campaign where you can make a gift payable in installments. The new Annual Catholic Appeal theme, “Together at the table,” is an important theme as we prayerfully consider our support for the Appeal but also important for embracing the life that the Lord wants us to live.
Each pledge makes a difference! All parish communities participate in the campaign and the gifts of many enable our parishes, schools and ministries to deliver needed services. Thank you for your prayerful consideration and generous response. 
To make your gift, you can complete the mail-in giving envelope available at church or make a gift online at


===== Sunday Stewardship

“As you go, make this proclamation:
‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’”
-Matthew 10:7
Many of us take our lives for granted. We think we have plenty of time to “repent.” Maybe we should live with a little more urgency in making things right with God. This is the difference in living our discipleship out of obligation versus out of love.
Obligation implies we do the minimum required. Love implies we want a relationship. God wants us to be with Him in Heaven forever, but He also wants to be in relationship with us right now, while we are on earth. Start this second – invite the Lord into your heart.

Thank you!


===== Online Evening Prayer

TRANSFIGURATION PARISH Presents: Online Evening Prayer
Sundays at 7:30pm
Presentation will be led by Deacon Chris Fisher on Teams. If you need a meeting link or download link for a free Teams account, contact Ken Michaels at kmichaels58@gmail.com. Text of prayers will be displayed online. However, if you wish to preview text each day, check the evening prayers for the appropriate date at the free online service at www.divineoffice.org
We gather on TEAMS here: Meeting Link
Give both God and yourself 15 minutes of peace and comfort with the Evening Prayer (Vespers) of the Liturgy of the Hours (LOTH). The prayers will take 15 minutes or less and will bring a sense of renewal and encouragement to you after a busy day. All are welcome to participate in this devotional prayer whenever you may be available.


===== Improvement Fund Report


A huge thank you to all parishioners who have fulfilled/or are in the process of fulfilling their pledges to the Improvement Fund. We want every parishioner to know that we have opened a separate account at our local bank in which we are keeping all Improvement Fund donations.  This money is not used for general parish expenses and is strictly used for any building/equipment repairs that we have not budgeted for.
If you have not pledged yet or you would like to continue contributing to this fund, please use your blue Improvement Fund envelopes or Give Central. We can build this
account up for any future repairs.
Thank you for all that you do for our Transfiguration Community!  With your generous donations these are the projects we have completed and paid for:
   New Church Boiler $43,965
   School Elevator Repair $38,023
   New Hymnals $13,125
   OWC Chimney Repair $5,000
   Church Pumps Repair $4,665
             Total = $104,778
The total donations/pledges received since the campaign began in March 2023 is $102,236.  The total due from parishioners still fulfilling their pledges is $11,723.  The total due from 30 parishioners who filled out a pledge card and have not made a payment is $3,585.  Hoping we can collect this additional $15,308 from our initial pledge drive.
Any questions, feel free to contact me:  Camie Kwasigroch, Business Manager
(847) 526-2400 x234, camiejkwasigroch@archchicago.org
–As shared in the parish bulletin, September 24, 2023


===== Remember Your Parish

Making a future gift through your estate (will or trust) is a beautiful demonstration of your commitment to TRANSFIGURATION PARISH MISSION. You can simply add a charitable provision if updating your will/trust or create a codicil that can be an addendum to your existing plan.
To make a charitable provision for Transfiguration Parish, you and your attorney may want to consider using the language below in your will or trust.
“I give and bequeath $_____ or _____% of my estate to Transfiguration Parish an unrestricted gift.”
Legal Name: Transfiguration Parish
316 West Mill Street
Wauconda, Illinois 60084
Tax ID#: 36-2171165
Should your plans include restricting your gift for a particular parish program, please contact Camie Kwasigroch, Parish Business Manager, at camiejkwasigroch@archchicago.org
“Then the King will say to those on his
right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by
my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared
for you from the creation of the



Celebrating Our Faith More Joyfully


Learning Our Faith More Deeply


Sharing Our Faith More Intentionally


Living Our Faith More Lively