Catechist Reflection from Jen
Over the last ten years, I have had the privilege of being a Catechist at Transfiguration’s School of Religion. In that time, I’ve enjoyed partaking in the journey the students go through as they learn about their Faith. Read more…
Catechist Reflection from Flor
I am a catechist because God called me. He wants me to be His instrument and to share His teachings with the children. He wants me to show the children the love He feels for us, and to teach how to love unconditionally, making Him our center of attention for everything that we do here on earth, working happily in our community.
Catechist Reflection from Magen
I recently found an article that stated my reasons quite succinctly ” that they [Catechists] are called to something greater than conventional Christianity; that they have great freedom and opportunity in being called to radical discipleship with Christ. (America:The Jesuit Review, 2010)
This quote is so profound. Through the ministry of Catechesis I have assisted in forming and transforming young minds to be like Jesus Christ. Teaching and molding not only minds, but hearts and spirits to walk in the ways of our Savior. This is perhaps the greatest reason for becoming a Catechist. Read more…
Catechist Reflection from Kevin
Catechist Reflection from Marina
It never crossed my mind to teach Religious Education. I was at a church meeting and before it got started Father asked me to see him at the end of the meeting. I said sure. Through the meeting I remember thinking I hope I didn’t do anything wrong. After the meeting Father said, “I need your help” and I said, “Sure, what can I do?” He said, “I need you to teach Religious Education Confirmation class.” Read more…