===== RCIA Journey of Faith
Anyone interested in learning more about the Catholic faith is welcome to contact…
(Cualquier persona interesada en aprender más sobre la fe católica puede comunicarse…)
Transfiguration School of Religion (Escuela de Religión Transfiguración) 847.526.6400.
RCIA prepares unbaptized adults for Baptism and for other sacraments of initiation, i.e., Confirmation and Eucharist, to be in full communion with the Church. RCIA is also for adults who have been baptized but have not completed their sacraments of initiation. RCIA is for anyone who would like to learn more about their Catholic faith.
The journey begins in September and continues through May each Sunday after 10:00 a.m. Mass (11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.) in the Parish Offices.
Anyone interested in learning more about the Catholic faith is welcome to contact the Transfiguration School of Religion 847.526.6400.
Parishioners… prayerfully consider becoming part of the RCIA Team as a sponsor, catechist, or to assist with hospitality. Call or text Vicki Peloquin 847.997.7350 if you are interested.
¿Qué es RICA?
RICA prepara a adultos no bautizados para el Bautismo y para otros sacramentos de iniciación, es decir, la Confirmación y la Eucaristía, para estar en
plena comunión con la Iglesia. RICA también es para adultos que han sido bautizados pero no han completado sus sacramentos de iniciación. RICA es para cualquiera que desee aprender más sobre su fe católica.
plena comunión con la Iglesia. RICA también es para adultos que han sido bautizados pero no han completado sus sacramentos de iniciación. RICA es para cualquiera que desee aprender más sobre su fe católica.
El viaje comienza en septiembre y continúa hasta mayo cada miércoles de 6:45pm a 8:00pm en las Oficinas Parroquiales.
Cualquier persona interesada en aprender más sobre la fe católica puede comunicarse: Escuela de Religión Transfiguración 847.526.6400.
Llame o envíe un mensaje con Abel Ortiz 847.875.0444
si está interesado.
si está interesado.
Jun '24
===== New Parish Logo!
Jun '24
Transfiguration Catholic Community has a new logo! Read the symbolism that explains its rich representation. Watch for ways to invite family, friends and neighbors to share in our faith journey!
===== Online Evening Prayer
TRANSFIGURATION PARISH Presents: Online Evening Prayer
Sundays at 7:30pm
Sundays at 7:30pm
Presentation will be led by Deacon Chris Fisher on Teams. If you need a meeting link or download link for a free Teams account, contact Ken Michaels at kmichaels58@gmail.com. Text of prayers will be displayed online. However, if you wish to preview text each day, check the evening prayers for the appropriate date at the free online service at www.divineoffice.org
We gather on TEAMS here: Meeting Link
Give both God and yourself 15 minutes of peace and comfort with the Evening Prayer (Vespers) of the Liturgy of the Hours (LOTH). The prayers will take 15 minutes or less and will bring a sense of renewal and encouragement to you after a busy day. All are welcome to participate in this devotional prayer whenever you may be available.