— Prophetic Ministries —
Learning our Faith more Deeply
Catholic educational resources for lifelong Christian faith/spiritual formation at Transfiguration Parish.
Over the centuries God has called prophets to bring His words and instructions to His people. The ministries at Transfiguration that are responsible for continuing this call to instruct God’s people are therefore called Prophetic Ministries.
The Prophetic Ministries at Transfiguration include:
- Religious Education (includes First Communion and Confirmation preparation in English and Spanish)
- Baptism and Marriage preparation programs
- OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation for Adults)
- Youth/Teen ministry
- Light of the World Retreat ministry and Small community faith sharing groups
- Religious Education at Frassati Academy
- Lenten Mission presentations
- Adult Education Program (under development)
- Active Minister ongoing faith programs (under development)
===== Small Faith Sharing Groups for Lent
Will you DO SOMETHING SCRIPTURE for Lent this year?
As our Parish Lenten Message Series begins on March 9th with the First Sunday of Lent, we invite you to
consider the following DO opportunities at Transfiguration:
consider the following DO opportunities at Transfiguration:
-Meet in a small faith group one hour a week to unpack the weekly Lenten Scripture message and call to
action by:
action by:
Stopping in the Church Gathering Space on Wednesdays, 10:30am (March 5th – April 2nd)
OR Stopping in the Church Gathering Space on Saturdays, 9:00am (March 8th – April 5th)
OR Gathering friends and neighbors in your own space and time.
-Look for the FAMILY ‘D’ & ‘D’ (Discuss & Do) Corner in the bulletin and bring the message of the week into your family routine this Lent.
Let’s all DO SOMETHING SCRIPTURE for Lent this year and see how the Holy Spirit helps us fine tune our attitudes — in faith!
===== Golden Rose Award

Vanessa Esquivel

the Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women in Vicariate 1.
On Saturday, February 1, 2025, twenty-eight young girls from our Vicariate were welcomed by the Interim Episcopal Vicar Rev. Jeremiah Boland. Vanessa Esquivel was honored with the Golden Rose Award for her great leadership in assisting Transfiguration parish as a Eucharist Minister, Altar Server, and Catechist Aide. Her love for Christ brings her to serve Him through the many areas of the parish ministries.
We invite you to pray and encourage Vanessa to continue modeling Christ’s love to others.