— Public Prayer & Private Devotions —
Celebrating Our Faith More Joyfully
Public Prayer:
Our goal is to stimulate an Evangelizing Liturgy (to change peoples’ Weekend Experience) through formation, mindful and fruitful participation of the people of God, so that, by celebrating the Paschal Mystery of our Faith, both the theological life and Christian commitment will be strengthened.
Private Prayer:
The Lord invites to “watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation.” We believe that God tirelessly calls each of us to mystically experience a personal encounter with Himself. Our Goal here is to offer God’s people different forms of Christian prayer, so that through pious devotions, the life of the faithful may be conformed to Christ in the Holy Spirit to the glory of God the Father.

No prayers found! 1 Thessalonians 5:17: Pray without ceasing!


===== Christmas Mass Schedule

Horario de misas para Navidad
C H R I S T M A S  E V E | Noche Buena
Tuesday, December 24, 2024—Martes, 24 de diciembre 2024
· 3:00pm—English
· 6:00pm—Español
· 10:00pm—English
Christmas Day | Navidad
Wednesday, December 25, 2024—Miércoles, 25 de diciembre 2024
· Północ—Po polsku
· 8:00am—English
· 10:00am—English
· 1:00pm—Po polsku
Day After Christmas
Thursday, December 26, 2024—Jueves, 26 de diciembre 2024
· 9:30am—English


===== New Years Mass Schedule

Horario de misas para Año Nuevo
Tuesday, December 31, 2024Martes, 31 de diciembre 2024
· 6:00pm—Español
Wednesday, January 1, 2025Miércoles, 1 de enero 2025
· 9:30am—English
· 1:00pm—Po polsku


===== RCIA Journey Begins

Anyone interested in learning more about the Catholic faith is welcome to contact… 
(Cualquier persona interesada en aprender más sobre la fe católica puede comunicarse…)
Transfiguration School of Religion (Escuela de Religión Transfiguración) 847.526.6400.
RCIA prepares unbaptized adults for Baptism and for other sacraments of initiation, i.e., Confirmation and Eucharist, to be in full communion with the Church. RCIA is also for adults who have been baptized but have not completed their sacraments of initiation. RCIA is for anyone who would like to learn more about their Catholic faith.
The journey begins in September and continues through May each Sunday after 10:00 a.m. Mass (11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.) in the Parish Offices.
Anyone interested in learning more about the Catholic faith is welcome to contact the Transfiguration School of Religion 847.526.6400.

Parishioners… prayerfully consider becoming part of the RCIA Team as a sponsor, catechist, or to assist with hospitality.  Call or text Vicki Peloquin 847.997.7350 if you are interested.
¿Qué es RICA?
RICA prepara a adultos no bautizados para el Bautismo y para otros sacramentos de iniciación, es decir, la Confirmación y la Eucaristía, para estar en
plena comunión con la Iglesia. RICA también es para adultos que han sido bautizados pero no han completado sus sacramentos de iniciación. RICA es para cualquiera que desee aprender más sobre su fe católica.
El viaje comienza en septiembre y continúa hasta mayo cada miércoles de 6:45pm a 8:00pm en las Oficinas Parroquiales.
Cualquier persona interesada en aprender más sobre la fe católica puede comunicarse: Escuela de Religión Transfiguración 847.526.6400.
Llame o envíe un mensaje con Abel Ortiz 847.875.0444
si está interesado.


===== New Lending Library

Open for reading and sharing good reads!


===== Ministry of Prayer

We know that life can be challenging and the only thing that may help to get you back to center is Prayer. We believe very strongly in the power of Prayer. This belief and knowing comes from seeing or hearing about the many demonstrations or testimonies in the lives of people around the world. 
At the end of weekend Masses the Transfiguration Ministry of Prayer will be in the front of the Church to pray for you or someone you love and care for.
Please know that each Minister of Transfiguration Ministry of Prayer commits to holding your intentions in the light of Christ, standing in Truth, Principle and Love. Prayer is the tool we use to know the truth. It is not about begging or pleading for something to happen to change the conditions in life. It is about aligning ourselves with the all good of God that surrounds us at all times. Every request we receive is treated with love, compassion, respect and dignity.
More than ever I find myself
in the hands of God.
This is what I have wanted all my life from my youth.
But now there is a difference;
the initiative is entirely with God.
It is indeed a profound spiritual experience to know
and feel myself so totally in God’s hands.
– Pedro Arrupe, S.J.


===== Sunday Stewardship

“As you go, make this proclamation:
‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’”
-Matthew 10:7
Many of us take our lives for granted. We think we have plenty of time to “repent.” Maybe we should live with a little more urgency in making things right with God. This is the difference in living our discipleship out of obligation versus out of love.
Obligation implies we do the minimum required. Love implies we want a relationship. God wants us to be with Him in Heaven forever, but He also wants to be in relationship with us right now, while we are on earth. Start this second – invite the Lord into your heart.

Thank you!