— Public Prayer & Private Devotions —
Celebrating Our Faith More Joyfully
Public Prayer:
Our goal is to stimulate an Evangelizing Liturgy (to change peoples’ Weekend Experience) through formation, mindful and fruitful participation of the people of God, so that, by celebrating the Paschal Mystery of our Faith, both the theological life and Christian commitment will be strengthened.
Private Prayer:
The Lord invites to “watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation.” We believe that God tirelessly calls each of us to mystically experience a personal encounter with Himself. Our Goal here is to offer God’s people different forms of Christian prayer, so that through pious devotions, the life of the faithful may be conformed to Christ in the Holy Spirit to the glory of God the Father.

No prayers found! 1 Thessalonians 5:17: Pray without ceasing!


===== Online Evening Prayer

TRANSFIGURATION PARISH Presents: Online Evening Prayer
Sundays at 7:30pm
Presentation will be led by Deacon Chris Fisher on Teams. If you need a meeting link or download link for a free Teams account, contact Ken Michaels at Text of prayers will be displayed online. However, if you wish to preview text each day, check the evening prayers for the appropriate date at the free online service at
We gather on TEAMS here: Meeting Link
Give both God and yourself 15 minutes of peace and comfort with the Evening Prayer (Vespers) of the Liturgy of the Hours (LOTH). The prayers will take 15 minutes or less and will bring a sense of renewal and encouragement to you after a busy day. All are welcome to participate in this devotional prayer whenever you may be available.


===== Praying for Our Loved Ones At Mass

The names of our loved ones have already been placed in the altar of our parish. Every mass celebrated in this church will be offered for the eternal rest of all of them. —May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

Ya hemos colocado los nombres de nuestros seres queridos en el altar de nuestra parroquia. Cada misa que se celebre en esta iglesia será ofrecida por el descanso eterno de todas ellas. —Dales, Señor, el descanso eterno. Y brille para ellos la luz perpetua. Y que las almas de todos los fieles difuntos, por la misericordia de Dios, descansen en paz. Amén.

Na ołtarzu naszej parafii umieściliśmy już imiona naszych bliskich. Każda msza celebrowana w tym kościele będzie ofiarowana za wieczny odpoczynek wszystkich z nich. (Google translation) —Wieczny odpoczynek racz im dać, Panie, a światłość wiekuista niechaj im świeci. Niech odpoczywają w pokoju. Amen