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Again Jesus began to teach by the lake.  The crowd that gathered around him was so large that he got into a boat and sat in it out on the lake, while all the people were along the shore at the water’s edge.  –Mark 4:1


Safe Environment Training

January, 2021

Dear SOR Families,

I pray this message finds you well during these difficult times. In order for all of us to be in compliance, we are asking that the following items be completed at home.

SAFE ENVIRONMENT TRAINING is a required element of Religious Education programs in the Archdiocese of Chicago. While the students are unable to physically come to the Safety Environment class due to the Covid 19, we do ask that you review the specific grade level material with your child(ren) and watch together the below video.

Once you have completed BOTH activities, please let me know by responding to this message with your child’s name, so I can update our records as (Religious Education Year completed and in compliance).

Lesson Instructions for Grades K-5:

1. Choose ONE LESSON by grade level (2nd thru 5th grade levels have three options to choose from) to read to your child.
2. Watch the Children K-5 video:

Third Grade Lesson A Third Grade Lesson B Third Grade Lesson C

Fourth Grade Lesson A Fourth Grade Lesson B Fourth Grade Lesson C


Lesson Instructions for Grades 6, 7, 8:

1. Read the attached doc with your teen:Called to Protect 6, 7, 8 PDF2. Watch the following video:



Estimadas Familias,

Espero que este mensaje les encuentre bien durante estos tiempos difíciles. Para que todos cumplamos con los requisitos, pedimos que los siguientes elementos se completen en casa.

La clase de Ambiente Seguro es un elemento requerido de los programas de Catecismo en la Arquidiócesis de Chicago. Si bien los estudiantes no pueden asistir físicamente a esta clase debido a Covid 19, le pedimos que lean usted y su hijo/a el material adjunto específico según nivel de grado y juntos vean el video. Una vez que haya completado las dos actividades, por favor hágame saber respondiendo a este mensaje con el nombre de su hijo/a, para que pueda actualizar nuestros registros como (Año de Catecismo completado y en conformidad con la Arquidiócesis de Chicago).


  1. Elija UNA LECCIÓN según el grado de su hijo/a(de las tres opciones) y pida a su hijo/a que lo lea.
  2. Vea el Video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23qXyXaoCSY o este: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNTUMNKSNwk
Be Safe & Pray, God is in Control,
M. Magdalena Gonzalez
DRE – Transfiguration Church




Questions? Please call the Religious Education Office at 847.526.6400 ext. 238 or 239 OR email: RelEd@transfigurationwauconda.com